Monday, February 27, 2012

Homemade Paneer

Homemade paneer is soft and delicate in texture and consistency, and is the foundation to a lot of Indian vegetarian curries and desserts. Pre-packaged paneer blocks suffice for curries, but when it comes to desserts, homemade paneer is the only way to go.

Here is an easy recipe on how to make paneer at home. The entire process takes under half an hour.

1 gallon whole milk
Lemon Juice

Boil a gallon of whole milk in a large heavy pot. When the milk begins to bubble, add some lemon juice 1 tablespoon at a time, until the milk separates into a water-like liquid and a chunky white floating residue. Make sure to stir constantly. Switch off the heat and cover the pot for 5 minutes. Empty the pot into a strainer with very small holes (or line your strainer with a cheesecloth) so that the water is removed and the leftover residue--the paneer--is left.

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